Edgeville Wiki

If you enjoy playing Edgeville, you should vote every time you can to help keep it alive. Voting comes with many rewards, and you can vote twice a day. Support us and we'll support you!

Getting Started

To start voting, click on the Vote (site name) button below the website's logos. It will then redirect you to a new tab where you will fill out that website's captcha and click vote (wait for the website to fully load or it may not work). Once you have clicked vote you can now exit out of the tab; if successful, it should have a countdown timer instead of a Vote (site name) like it had previously. 

NOTE: VPN's will not work on some sites. This is due to their protections, not ours.



Claiming Votes

Voting on each of the websites will reward you with an AUTH code, which you can find by clicking the AUTH tab. To claim your vote in game, in the chat box type in the command ::auth (auth code here)

For example, let's say my auth code is j83fjFJ4. To claim my vote, I will type in ::auth j83fjFJ4
